11/24/2023 | Middle East

CM Christmas Campaign 2023

"For I was hungry, and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me." Matthew 25:35–36
Christmas joy for everyone! © Dall-E

Bringing smiles to children’s faces in Turkey

This year CM’s annual Christmas campaign will focus on reaching two target groups of people through two main activities. Through this, CM hopes to make a difference in the lives of people during this time of year.

Firstly, CM wants to bring the joy of Christmas to MBB families that have fled to Turkey as a result of the war in Syria and Iraq. We want to organize Christmas parties for the MBB children and their families as well as children from their close circles in four different Turkish cities; Istanbul, Gaziantep, Izmir, and Antakya. The families  will be invited to churches, learn about Jesus’ birth as the reason for celebration in this season and every child will receive a Christmas gift. At the celebration in Istanbul, a Christmas meal will be prepared for the families to enjoy. 


Hosting the families at the celebration will however require financial support. It is estimated that the celebration in Istanbul where we are planning to reach 500 children in total will cost 10 000 Euros (20 Euros per child). This  includes the meal as well as the gifts for the children and their families.  In Gaziantep and Antakya where we will be supporting people in the regions that were affected by the disastrous earthquake earlier in the year, as well as the city of Izmir. CM is aiming to reach 1000 children and their families. The total cost will amount to 15 000 Euros (15 Euro per child). This is the financial support needed in order to reach these children and families in this special holiday time.


In addition to this, CM aims to reach out to families that have fled the war to Northern Syria and are currently located near the Southern border of Turkey. Specifically, families who have children suffering from cancer. There is a great need for support as children receive free treatment at hospitals in Turkey, but the families need to shoulder the costs of food and accommodation during the treatment period.  CM aims to send pastors and volunteers from the refugee churches in Southern Turkey to visit and assist these families. In doing this we hope to open the door that allows the volunteers and pastors to pray for the families and children and share the gospel with them. We aim to provide a food gift card for the families whose child is undergoing cancer treatment at a hospital in Antakya, Turkey, as well as a Christmas gift for the child. We want to bless a total of 130 families. The expected total is approx. 15 000 Euro at 115 Euro per family. Through this, we hope to support these families in difficult times and offer them spiritual as well as physical comfort.


The Christmas campaign will be undertaken by local churches in the areas named above in December 2023. Through your support, we aim to:

  1. Assist and support individuals in Turkey who were displaced as a result of the conflict in Syria. This, through sharing the gospel with them and inviting them to churches, as well as celebrating the birth of Jesus with them.
  2. Support the spontaneous awakening among refugees, largely catalyzed through the media outreach efforts of Al Hayat Ministries. This project is part of the follow-up and aftercare work, while also forming part of CM’s vision of being there for the MBBs that are a part of the worldwide CM family. 


CM invites you to join in supporting families and children in Turkey with your finances during this festive season of giving.

If you feel called to support the global CM family with your financial gift, please send it to:

Communio Messianica e.V.
Evangelische Bank eG
IBAN DE32 520 604 100 005 039 355

Designated purpose: Weihnachtsaktion 2023

Thank you for your blessing!  

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© Svetlana Sidorenko