Communio Messianica
Communio Messianica is a prayerfully inspired response, guided by the Holy Spirit, to a major phenomenon of Muslims being called out of darkness to embrace the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
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About us
Communio Messianica (CM) has evolved over the past decade to address a compelling historical reality—the reality that for the first time in history there is a resurgence of conversion of Muslims to become followers of Jesus Christ. We call them Muslim Background Believers (MBBs). Interestingly, this resurgence has gone in parallel with vast increase of Islamic influence on the world stage since the late 1970’s!
In essence, CM is a prayerfully inspired response, guided by the Holy Spirit, to a major phenomenon of Muslims being called out of darkness to embrace the Gospel of Jesus Christ. This is resulting in the rapid growth of large communities of believers coming from a Muslim background throughout the Muslim World and also among Muslim immigrants to the West.
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“But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus, his Son, purifies us from all sin.” 1 John 1:7 (NIV)