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22.09.2023 / CM Newsletter 3/2023
For the Spirit of God...

“For the Spirit God gave us does not make us timid …”  

2 Timothy 1:7 NIV

These are the words of Paul, an Apostle of Christ Jesus, to Timothy, who was like a son to him. At that time, just as it is today, life was challenging and characterized by fear, uncertainty and doubt. When human beings lose control and the world seems to go off its rails, it is understandable that people become afraid and grasp for something to hold onto. In itself, this is not a problem, but it becomes an issue when fears gain control over people and paralyze them so that they can no longer think clearly.

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Esmaeil's testimony
– from Islam to Christ

Watch the video with Esmaeil’s story of how his life was turned around when he decided to leave Islam in order to follow Jesus. 

(Enable subtitles to see the English translation)

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MBBs suffer enormously under the current conflict in Sudan

Communio Messianica publishes here; the appeal of one of its churches in the conflict area of Sudan, the "Light of Christ Bible Church,” which is doing much for the converts in Sudan. Christian converts from Islam suffer particularly under the current conflict as they are shunned by the Muslim population and do not receive help in the same way others do.

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Annual Report 2022
WORLDWIDE: We are looking back on the year 2022 as a year of growth! God has been at work around the world and done amazing things in the lives of His people...
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Pray with us   08.08.2023
A Season of Grace
UZBEKISTAN: For the last five years, there have been fewer government controls on Christian activities. We thank God for this season of grace and pray that it will continue.
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